It’s no secret that plant-based eating has gained popularity in the last decade. At a minimum, many households and people have started eating more plant-forward after learning about and understanding the health benefits of making sure vegetables make it to our plates. Many of our customers are health conscious individuals, and many are vegan so it’s not surprising we get asked frequently “So, is seaweed vegan?”.
The short answer is yes, but it's not just vegan, it is also a highly sustainable ocean crop, incredibly healthy, and a versatile food with many uses making it a must-have pantry staple. Let’s take a closer look at why seaweed qualifies as vegan and why it deserves a place in your diet.
why is seaweed perfect for vegans?
A food is considered vegan when it is not derived from an animal or animal parts. What’s interesting to many is that seaweed isn’t technically considered a plant either. Without roots, stems, fruits or a vascular system, seaweeds are classified as algaes. While “alive” when growing in the ocean, it lacks a brain, nervous system, or pain receptors, it is unable to feel pain or emotion, making it 100% vegan and plant-based. Because of this, seaweed is a great choice for anyone who wants to eat cruelty-free and environmentally friendly foods.
Beyond ethical concerns, eating seaweeds like our Organic Sugar Kelp Flakes or Organic Alaria Flakes (two different types of seaweeds) offer a range of health benefits, making it an appealing snack or ingredient in recipes for vegans and anyone looking to eat more healthily. Brown kelp is one of the best natural sources of iodine, which is a vital nutrient for thyroid function that can be difficult to obtain on a plant-based diet. Seaweeds like Sugar Kelp and Alaria also contain a plethora of vitamins, iron and calcium, which are essential to overall health. Visit our blog on nutritional benefits if you're interested in learning more a healthy kelping: seaweed & all of its nutritional benefits.
the ethics of seaweed
For many vegans, ethics play an important role in food choices, and seaweed shines in this area. Beyond seaweed being a vegan, it is also great for the environment. Seaweed grows very fast without the use of freshwater, fertilizer, or pesticides. It absorbs carbon dioxide and also benefits the oceans habitats it grows in, making it an environmentally beneficial food option that promotes a healthier planet. Further, Nautical Farms seaweeds are ocean farmed. Eating seaweeds not only supports a vegan diet, but also helps in creating a more sustainable and ethical food supply.
why seaweed deserves a place on your plate
We now know seaweeds are vegan, have a host of health benefits, and are great for the environment, but how do they taste and how do you use them? Lucky for us, seaweeds like kelp are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Used as a salt alternative, kelp can be sprinkled into any soup, topped on popcorn, or salads or simply eaten as a crunchy, salty snack. The powerful umami flavor that seaweeds possess complement a wide variety of foods and provides a unique, satisfying taste. Whether you are a seasoned vegan or just starting out with plant-based foods, seaweed is a must-try. Be sure to check out our vegan recipes using our ocean grown seaweeds! Your body, your taste buds, and the planet will thank you.